
How Amazon Releases Films

Amazon Studios has relied on traditional distribution practices to foster greater collaboration with gatekeepers in Hollywood. However, after playing second fiddle to Netflix for the better part of a decade, Amazon is changing its theatrical strategy stateside.


Disney Fights Fire

The battle between streaming services is heating up. Amazon and Disney have been unable to reach terms regarding Amazon’s Fire TV devices.


What Distributors Want

Discover what type of films independent distributors want to acquire in their own words. Understand what elements 26 U.S. distributors are looking for when they acquire a film at TIFF or elsewhere.


Buyer Beware

Buyers at TIFF are skittish after a 6% drop in North American box office receipts in 2019. Worse still, is the dire year indie films are having, where receipts have declined 45%.

OTT Trends

European OTT Trends

European broadcasters and content providers are implementing three strategies in the online content delivery market to stave off competition from Disney, Amazon and Netflix.

Cord Cutting Continues

Cord Cutting Continues

During the second quarter, DirecTV’s traditional satellite service lost 778,000 subscribers and its streaming service DirecTV Now lost 168,000 accounts.


Follow The Leader

NBCUniversal, who competed against Disney for Fox, is planning to follow Disney’s lead in India with the purchase of Zee Entertainment.

Netflix Overtakes Sky

Netflix Overtakes Sky

Sky’s new owners, Comcast, will more than double its investment in European original programming for the new venture – Sky Studios.

Lionsgate Films Bound For Disney

Lionsgate Films Are Disney Bound

Starting in 2020, films released by Lionsgate will be distributed on the Hulu streaming service, and FX, the basic-cable channel now owned by Disney after the takeover of Fox.


AT&T Mistimes Market

AT&T’s decision to acquire a declining DirecTV and a sputtering Time Warner is materializing into a massive miscalculation.


Up In Flames

Lionsgate lobbied to become the belle of the buyout ball last year in Hollywood, but Prince Charming never arrived.

Cord Cutting Accelerates

Cord Cutting Accelerates

There is even more bad news for pay television providers. Unlike 2017, subscribers signing up for cheaper online television bundles are starting to contract.

Buyers Remorse

Buyer’s Remorse

Beyond maintaining AT&T’s core telecom business, the company is beset with declining DirecTV subscribers and a host of problems at Time Warner and Warner Bros.