
Maximize Your TIFF 2024 Strategy: How Exclusive Distribution Data Can Boost Your Streaming Deals

With theatrical releases facing mounting obstacles, particularly in terms of profitability, streamers have become the go-to solution for many filmmakers. However, to navigate this shift successfully, it is crucial to have reliable data on what streaming platforms pay for content.


Netflix Halts Subscriber Reporting: Rapid Growth Era Coming to an End

Netflix is once again disrupting the entertainment industry by announcing it will no longer regularly report its subscriber numbers. This move undermines data transparency and attempts to divert investor attention from stagnating subscriber growth to revenue and profit metrics instead.


Streaming Secrets Revealed: What Global Platforms Really Pay for Films and Shows

Maximize your insights by analyzing global revenue streams for films and episodic content. Access market intelligence reports covering licensing rates across Europe, the UK, North and Latin America. Stay ahead of market trends, negotiate better deals, and thrive in the entertainment industry.


Europe Wants More Production Support from US Streaming Services

Over 20 production entities spanning Europe and beyond have united forces, embarking on a mission to rally local governments to champion the cause of regional film and television creators and urge major US streaming platforms to amplify their support for locally produced content.


Who’s Thriving and Who’s Struggling: Annual Streaming Scorecard Part Five

It’s difficult to overstate the disastrous few years Warner Bros. has experienced under inept leadership. Boosting one of the most desirable film and television catalogs, the company has stumbled over every vital decision since 2020. WBD’s financials reflect the industry’s broader issues.


Navigating the Siren Song of Streaming as Studios Get Caught in the Undertow

Hollywood’s approach to thriving in streaming has taken a sharply negative turn in the past few years. Initially, the strategy involved pouring resources into content to lure subscribers and ending profitable licensing agreements with aggregators like Netflix, banking on eventual profitability.