Fractured Content Landscape

Fractured Content Landscape

More and more consumers are piecing together entertainment content from multiple services rather than relying on a traditional cable television package.

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Back From The Brink

After years of internal divisions, family squabbles, lawsuits, and sexual harassment investigations, Viacom and CBS are starting to resemble real companies again.


Netflix Pays Top Dollar

Perhaps the biggest revelation from Netflix’s earning call last week is the admission that they are “ready to pay top-of-the-market prices for…”


Hulu Subscribers Swell

The Hulu streaming service reached more than 25 million subscribers at the end of 2018. On a year-over-year basis Hulu subscriber growth rose 48%.

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Broadcast & PayTV

Television Ad Sales Go Online

Television advertising sales in the U.S fell 8% to $61 billion in 2017 – the biggest slump in 20 years. Sales at cable networks dropped for the first time in a decade.