
From Blockbusters to Bust: Why the Film Industry is Fading Fast
The film industry is transforming with declining revenues, reducing film output, and a shift in consumer preferences. Major studios are consolidating and struggling, while television emerges as a dominant medium. Theaters face over-leveraging challenges. Streaming services haven’t compensated for theatrical declines.

Inside Cannes 2024: Adapting to Struggles and Shifts in the Independent Film Market
At this year’s Cannes, there’s a mix of optimism and weariness. High asking prices and low theatrical demand are notable. Streamers like Apple and Netflix lead significant acquisitions, sidelining traditional distributors. The market remains cautious, focusing on star-driven projects and strategic financial planning.

The Struggle to Shine: Steering Through the Post-Theatrical Era
The independent market is at a crossroads. Traditional strategies are no longer effective, and the task of bringing audiences back to cinemas remains daunting. Insiders are actively pursuing solutions to these seemingly insurmountable challenges. Despite these obstacles, some believe the film industry is on the verge of recovery.

Cannes Conundrum: Navigating the New Realities of the Independent Film Market
A significant concern voiced since the start of Cannes is the noticeable absence of US theatrical deals. This void has a cascading effect on international distribution. Films without a US distributor face deteriorating values over time, making it increasingly challenging to recoup production budgets.

Market Outlook Positive: Buyers Enthused by Film Offerings and Presale Packages
Despite the challenges at AFM, TIFF, and EFM in restoring pre-lockdown attendance levels, Cannes has flourished, showing consistent growth and culminating in its largest market in years. Following the first day of Cannes, the atmosphere remains upbeat as sales agents and producers indicate strong interest from international buyers.

Cannes Cheat Sheet: What Films are Screening, Who’s Representing Distribution Rights, and Territories Taken
After years of declining demand for independent films, producers, sales agencies, and distributors report a significant pre-sales market resurgence heading into Cannes. Download Your Free Cannes Film Festival Cheat Sheet Below with Titles, Directors, Sales Representatives, Deals Signed, Links to IMDbPro, and More.