Broadcast & PayTV

The Broadcast Boom: Why Traditional TV Still Matters in a Streaming World

As streaming platforms continue to dominate the conversation, traditional broadcast networks are proving their staying power by strategically aligning with digital platforms. New data confirms that network television still commands a substantial audience, with streaming partnerships extending its reach and influence.


Starz Lost Access to Pay-One Rights for Major Studio Films

Starz’s access to third-party content was severely diminished when it lost Pay-One rights to films released by Sony Pictures after Netflix swopped in last year. Starz only has Pay-One rights to films released by its sibling company, Lionsgate, which HBO and FX previously held.


Netflix Subscribers Surge

With most of the world in mandatory lockdown, Netflix doubled its quarterly subscriber estimates from January through March by adding 16 million new subscribers.

Lionsgate Films Bound For Disney

Lionsgate Films Are Disney Bound

Starting in 2020, films released by Lionsgate will be distributed on the Hulu streaming service, and FX, the basic-cable channel now owned by Disney after the takeover of Fox.