
Best Year Yet

In 2020, Netflix gained 37 million subscribers worldwide, breaking its 2018 record of 28 million new additions. Currently, Netflix has 204 million active subscribers.

Broadcast & PayTV

The Lasting Effects

As a result of diminishing content availability precipitated by production delays and cancellations, there will be large programming gaps for traditional television networks and OTT platforms to fill over the next two years.


Netflix Subscriber Plateau

Forced stay-at-home orders propelled Netflix’s fastest subscriber additions in its twenty-three history. The streaming leader added 26 million subscribers in the first half of 2020, making it one of the biggest lockdown economy winners.


German Streaming Market

SVOD is still a minor segment of the overall streaming market in Germany. Proportionally, Germany spends less than half of US households ($24 billion) on SVOD services when adjusted for currency and population.


Streaming in Scandinavia

The growth of SVOD services in Scandinavia shows no signs of slowing down. Despite heavy competition from local services Netflix has gained four million subscribers.


Streaming in the UK

Since the COVID lockdown began, nearly five million UK households have signed up for a streaming service. Netflix, Amazon, and Disney+ have been the primary beneficiaries of this boom.


Lockdowns Reshape Content Distribution

COVID-19 has decimated global content pipelines by halting film production, canceling greenlit projects, and closing cinemas. However, the present disruptions have only accelerated transformations that were well underway.


Netflix Subscribers Surge

With most of the world in mandatory lockdown, Netflix doubled its quarterly subscriber estimates from January through March by adding 16 million new subscribers.


The Paradox of Choice

The major studios sabotaged the dream of a la carte programming and are now attempting to transform streaming into cable television via an ethernet connection instead of coaxial.


Netflix Wins Over France

Streaming giant Netflix officially opened its latest non-US office in Paris last month, signaling a deeper commitment to Europe. Netflix now has four offices in Europe.

Broadcast & PayTV

Cord-Cutting Gains Momentum

In the fourth quarter, two million US subscribers cut the cord on traditional television packages from AT&T, Comcast, Charter, and Verizon, up from 1.7 million in the third quarter.


Disney Aims At Netflix

Disney+ nearly triples its subscriber base since launching in November. Through January, the streaming service has 28.6 million subscribers, up from 10 million weeks after it debuted.


Sundance Slumps

Deal activity is muted so far at this year’s festival despite claims that producers and sales agents were withholding their best films at TIFF in September to introduce at Sundance.


Netflix Results Are In

Netflix missed its subscriber forecast in the US and Canada. Despite that, the streamer beat its overseas estimate of 7 million by adding 8.33 million.