
Who Will Own the Future of Filmed Entertainment? Inside the Great Media Power Grab

Traditional media powerhouses are fighting to maintain relevance amid digital disruption. In 2024, more than 50% of media M&A deals involved cross-sector acquisitions, reflecting a strategic pivot towards owning intellectual property (IP) that can be monetized across multiple platforms.

Broadcast & PayTV

The Broadcast Boom: Why Traditional TV Still Matters in a Streaming World

As streaming platforms continue to dominate the conversation, traditional broadcast networks are proving their staying power by strategically aligning with digital platforms. New data confirms that network television still commands a substantial audience, with streaming partnerships extending its reach and influence.


Content Spending Slumps in the Post-Peak Television Era

After reaching unprecedented heights, the film and television market is now charting a more cautious path in the post-peak television era. Several recent forecasts shed light on the slowdown in television content spending, emphasizing the shift in priorities and austerity for major media companies.


From Blockbusters to Bust: Why the Film Industry is Fading Fast

The film industry is transforming with declining revenues, reducing film output, and a shift in consumer preferences. Major studios are consolidating and struggling, while television emerges as a dominant medium. Theaters face over-leveraging challenges. Streaming services haven’t compensated for theatrical declines.


Navigating the Siren Song of Streaming as Studios Get Caught in the Undertow

Hollywood’s approach to thriving in streaming has taken a sharply negative turn in the past few years. Initially, the strategy involved pouring resources into content to lure subscribers and ending profitable licensing agreements with aggregators like Netflix, banking on eventual profitability.