
Who Will Own the Future of Filmed Entertainment? Inside the Great Media Power Grab

Traditional media powerhouses are fighting to maintain relevance amid digital disruption. In 2024, more than 50% of media M&A deals involved cross-sector acquisitions, reflecting a strategic pivot towards owning intellectual property (IP) that can be monetized across multiple platforms.


Streamers Shift Focus Overseas Spelling Trouble for U.S. Production Output

Netflix and Amazon Studios are the powerhouses of the streaming industry, commanding the majority of content production and licensing activity. However, the bulk of their productions are increasingly taking place outside the United States. This international trend raises concerns about the future of Hollywood’s dominant production status.


Content Spending Slumps in the Post-Peak Television Era

After reaching unprecedented heights, the film and television market is now charting a more cautious path in the post-peak television era. Several recent forecasts shed light on the slowdown in television content spending, emphasizing the shift in priorities and austerity for major media companies.

Content Comes Home

Content Comes Home

In an industry where content is king; Netflix has worn the crown in recent years thanks to the programming libraries from the major studios.

Starz Lionsgate Marriage

Rocky Media Marriage

The uneasy marriage between Lionsgate and Starz has been a rocky one from the start. The biggest clash relates to Lionsgate’s television division.

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Broadcast & PayTV

Television Ad Sales Go Online

Television advertising sales in the U.S fell 8% to $61 billion in 2017 – the biggest slump in 20 years. Sales at cable networks dropped for the first time in a decade.


Cable TV is Doomed!

The days of cable television are numbered after the launch of YouTube TV in the U.S. The will cost $35 a month for a family plan with at least 40 channels.